Location: Gravias 4Α, 15125 – Marousi

Phone.: +302106302000

Fax: +302106302991


The project at a glance

The next step in the field of hydrocarbons was carried out with complete success and with a zero environmental footprint by HELLENiQ UPSTREAM IONIAN, accelerating the pace in the Greek Upstream.

HELLENiQ UPSTREAM IONIAN has completed in late 2022, three-dimensional (3D) geophysical surveys in the marine lease area Ionian (Ionian Sea).

More specifically, in December 2022, HELLENiQ UPSTREAM IONIAN carried out with complete success, marine three-dimensional (3D) geophysical recordings of a total area of 1,160 km2.
The 3D seismic exploration project was undertaken by PGS (Petroleum-Geoservices), one of the world's leading companies in the fields of marine geophysical data acquisition and processing, providing the state-of-the-art research vessel (Ramform Hyperion) with the necessary equipment, personnel as well as support vessels.

In the Ionian Block during the period January – March 2022, was preceded a marine (2D) seismic acquisition survey of a total length of 1,616 km.The two-dimensional (2D) seismic survey was contracted to Shearwater GeoServices, one of the leading companies in this field, who provided the research vessel (S/W COOK) with the equipment, scientific personnel and support vessels.

Ionian block 2D 3D seismic program

Before the start of the geophysical works, the required environmental studies were prepared and submitted to the Competent Authorities (HEREMA, DIPA/YPEN) and the necessary permits for the execution of the geophysical works were issued (EXAETH, Port Police). More specifically, the most thorough and detailed Environmental Action Plans (EAP) were drawn up, submitted and approved, specifying measures and actions implemented in the field fulfilling to the fullest the commitments as they arise for the protection of the marine environment. In the approved Environmental Action Plans, the international standards for the safe execution of projects of this nature and the protection of the marine environment were incorporated, placing particular emphasis on measures to protect the marine species, fully implementing the requirements of the "ACCOBAMS" Agreement as well as the guidelines of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) for the protection of cetaceans.

After the successful completion of the marine geophysical surveys (2D and 3D) in the Ionian Block, the following conclusions are drawn:

  • Throughout the geophysical exploration activities works, the requirements of the "ACCOBAMS" Agreement as well as the guidelines of the Joint Nature Conservation Commission (JNCC) for the protection of cetaceans were fully implemented.

  • The geophysical survey was carried out with complete success and with the highest level of protection that such a process could have for the marine environment of the Ionian Sea.

  • There was excellent cooperation with the Local Authorities and with full respect for the existing socio-economic activities of the areas in question (constant information and communication with the Coast Guard, the Port Authorities and the local fishing associations).

  • High levels of underwater baseline noise were recorded due to existing anthropogenic activities such as the marine traffic of commercial and passenger ships as well as fishing vessels.

  • Underwater noise levels due to geophysical surveys have never exceeded levels that could cause the slightest disturbance and stress to marine mammals.

  • It was verified once again that the desired time window for the execution of geophysical works, ie November - March, is the ideal period for carrying out marine seismic surveys without the slightest impact on marine mammals.