Location: Gravias 4Α, 15125 – Marousi

Phone.: +302106302000

Fax: +302106302991


Marine Mammals Observers and Passive Acoustic Monitoring

Visual monitoring for marine mammals takes place by trained Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) throughout the activities of marine geophysical surveys. The main object of MMOs is the continuous monitoring and possible appearance and behavior of marine mammals throughout the geophysical exploration activities in accordance with the international agreements, protocols and guidelines (ACCOBAMS, JNCC).

In the event of the detection of a marine mammal within the designated Exclusion Zone around the geophysical survey vessel (within a radius of 750 m) the vessel crew shall be informed immediately by the MMOs so that work can be suspended immediately.

The specialized MMOs and the experienced scientists of Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) are always present throughout the research/exploration activities on the boat performing Visual Monitoring (during the day) and Passive Monitoring (during the night or periods of low visibility)
Monitoring during the night or periods of low visibility is one of the main challenges of the proposed plan. Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) equipment is used and operated throughout the geophysical survey.

Passive Acoustic Monitoring enables accurate detection and indication of the position of the source of sounds reproduced by marine mammals in relation to the sliding hydrophone traction cable. In addition to these measures, Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) for marine mammals is performed also throughout the day to ensure the best chance of detection.

Monitoring during the night or periods of low visibility is one of the main challenges of the proposed plan. Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAP) equipment is used and operated throughout the geophysical survey.

The PAM enables accurate detection and indication of the position of the source of sounds reproduced by marine mammals in relation to the sliding hydrophone traction cable. In addition to these measures, Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) for marine mammals is performed throughout the day to ensure the best chance of detection.

Passive Acoustic Monitoring and visual observation of Marine Mammals is recorded on a daily basis (ACCOBAMS MMO and PAM 2D MSS Report , ACCOBAMS MMO and PAM 3D MSS Report)..


The proposed Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) is designed to:

  • to protect sensitive environmental elements and critical biodiversity indicators with an emphasis on marine mammals (cetaceans) and sea turtles
  • assess the extent of protection offered by the proposed containment measures
  • propose, if necessary, improved protection measures
  • to meet the requirements of the ACCOBAMS Agreement and the JNCC guidelines concerning the implementation of good practices and work protocols for the protection of marine mammals as well as the preparation of relevant reports in Greece.
  • The experience from the explorations in West Patraikos, Block Ionian and Block 10(Kyparissiakos) and the strict measures taken by HELLENiQ UPSTREAM in order not to affect the rich marine life in that area are indicative and are the best example of good practice with zero environmental footprint.
  • According to the findings of special studies conducted by academic institutions on behalf of HELLENiQ UPSTREAM (continuous sound level measurements before, during and after the project), the noise levels never exceeded the acoustic levels that could cause slight disturbance in the auditory behavior of marine mammals.

The EMP includes actions that fall into two categories in terms of time:

  • real-time (or near real-time) monitoring required to trigger appropriate action where sound levels approach or exceed defined thresholds (i.e. essential for mitigation).
  • monitoring of data that do not need to be analyzed in real time, aiming to gather information related to the impacts of the geophysical survey on the above mentioned sensitive environmental elements, both before the commencement of activities as well as, during and after them.

In addition, EMP includes actions that fall into two categories in terms of the area in which they are to take place:

  • Vessel Based Monitoring actions which mainly cover active observations and monitoring of the presence of marine mammals in the restriction zone around the vessel and passive acoustic monitoring;
  • Sensitive Zones Monitoring in the perimeter of the existing sensitive zones which covers mainly the marine areas that is around the existing aquacultures as well as the complex of islands that belong to the SAC and SPA areas.


Pasive Acoustic Monitoring

Environmental Reports of 2D Geophysical Records

Environmental Reports of 3D Geophysical Records